Deletion of Local Police Records

17 10, 2023

How to Delete Your Local Police Records

By |October 17th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

If you have ever been arrested, cautioned, convicted, warned, issued with a penalty notice, or simply questioned by the police, you may have a local police record that could affect your future opportunities. Local police records are different from national police records, which are held on the Police National Computer (PNC). Local police records

15 10, 2019

Local Police Records Deletion

By |October 15th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |

We have recently successfully applied for the deletion of a client’s records held locally on police systems and the Police National Database (PND). The client had been accused of an allegation and had been issued with a police caution. We successfully applied for the deletion of the caution from the Police National Computer (PNC). After

9 02, 2019

What information does the police hold on me?

By |February 9th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you have ever been questioned by the police then your details will usually be entered onto a number of systems. If you were arrested then you would have been entered onto the Police National Computer (PNC). Along with being entered on the PNC the police will also retain "local records". These will be

28 01, 2019

What is the Police National Database (PND)?

By |January 28th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

The Police National Database (PND) is a separate system from the Police National Computer (PNC). The stated aim of the PND is as follows: The Police National Database (PND) is a national information management system that improves the ability of the Police Service to manage and share intelligence and other operational information, to prevent

4 11, 2018

Police Caution and Local Records Deleted for Client

By |November 4th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

We have recently had our client's police caution deleted and also his locally held police records. Our client had been involved in a domestic dispute with his siblings, which resulted in the police being called. The allegation was minor, but the police decided to arrest our client on the basis of avoiding an ongoing