Deleting a Police Caution

29 04, 2022

When is a caution Spent?

By |April 29th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , |

When is a caution Spent? When is a police caution spent is a question you may ask if you are applying for a new job. The short answer to this question is that a caution is spent immediately. This means that your caution will be spent as soon as you receive it, and

7 09, 2021

Never accept a police caution?

By |September 7th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |

You may have seen advice on the internet recommending that you should never accept a police caution. We will look at whether it is always the best advice to never accept a police caution, and when it might be best to actually accept a police caution. Never accept a police caution? It

18 04, 2021

Can a Police Caution be Overturned?

By |April 18th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |

If you have received a police caution, you may be wondering if it can be overturned. The simple answer to this question is that a police caution can be overturned, but it will depend on the circumstances. If your caution has been unfairly issued, for example the police have unfairly pressured you into accepting

2 12, 2020

Our 5 a Day | 5 Police Cautions Deleted in One Day

By |December 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |

It has been a while since we have updated the recent news section of our site. Since our last update we have had over 50 police cautions and arrest records deleted. Each case has turned on its own particular facts, and deletion decisions, have been taken across the length and breadth of England and

15 10, 2019

Local Police Records Deletion

By |October 15th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |

We have recently successfully applied for the deletion of a client’s records held locally on police systems and the Police National Database (PND). The client had been accused of an allegation and had been issued with a police caution. We successfully applied for the deletion of the caution from the Police National Computer (PNC). After

30 09, 2019

Caution Deleted for Historic Sexual Assault Youth Caution

By |September 30th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Our client had been issued with a youth final warning (called a youth caution today) for a sexual assault. The facts of the allegation were complex, and related to bullying the client had been the victim of at school. The school had failed to protect him from ongoing bullying and which had culminated in

16 09, 2019

Police Caution for Fraud deleted

By |September 16th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |

We have recently secured the deletion of another police caution for a client. The client had been issued with a police caution for a relatively serious fraud allegation. Based on the purported facts of the allegation he was fortunate to have received a caution. After reviewing the evidence however we noticed some defects in

3 09, 2019

Deletion of Theft Caution for Visa Application

By |September 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Deletion of Theft Caution and ACRO Police Certificates Our client had been issued a police caution in relation to a minor shoplifting allegation. The caution had been issued a number of years ago however it was causing difficulties in securing a long-term Visa overseas. Even though the caution had been issued many years

25 08, 2019

Deletion of Domestic Assault Caution

By |August 25th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Deletion of a Domestic Assault Police Caution Our client had been issued a police caution in relation to a dispute with a partner. The police have been called, but by the time the police arrived the client's partner did not support any action being taken. The police nevertheless arrested our client and took

5 08, 2019

Deletion of Criminal Damage Caution

By |August 5th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Criminal Damage Caution Deleted for Visa Application Our client had been issued a police caution in relation to an allegation of criminal damage. The incident arose out of a domestic dispute, and over a shared item of property. During the course of the argument the item of property was damaged. Due to the