We have recently had our client’s police caution deleted and also his locally held police records.

Our client had been involved in a domestic dispute with his siblings, which resulted in the police being called. The allegation was minor, but the police decided to arrest our client on the basis of avoiding an ongoing incident.

The client had never been arrested before, and so was very unsure of what to do. The client was afraid to ask for a duty solicitor, believing this would make matters worse, and make him look guilty. The police had also told him that asking for the duty solicitor would mean he would have to spend more time in the police station.

The client decided to accept a police caution, and left the police station believing that his record would be wiped after 5 years.

Removal of Police Records

The client was a student at the time and wanted to move into roles where national security vetting would be required. On undertaking online research he learned that the caution would not in fact be deleted after 5 years, but that it would be retained until he reached 100 years of age. He also came to realise that the police would also keep documentary records of what happened, such as his record of interview, witness statements and his custody record. Along with these records his DNA, fingerprints and custody photograph would also be retained.

Once the client realised the long term impact of his arrest and police caution, he got in touch with us.

We analysed the evidence in his case, and advised him he had a case to argue for his caution to be deleted.

We promptly set out our findings to the police, who agreed to delete the clients caution from the PNC, his biometrics and his custody record. Subsequently we applied for the deletion of his PND records, which the police agreed to delete in their entirety.

Records Deletion and Suppression Solicitors

We have extensive experience in applying for the deletion of police cautions in relation to many different police forces.

Along with applying for the deletion of police cautions, we are also able to assist with the deletion of PNC arrest records, community resolutions, harassment PINs, Penalty Notices for Disorder (PNDs) and local police records held on the Police National Database (PND).

Along with applying for the deletion of police records, we can also assist with challenging DBS disclosures on both standard and enhanced DBS certificates. Our lawyers also have extensive experience in challenging DBS barring decisions; both appealing existing barrings, or resisting a new barring application.

We can also assist with applying for the removal of online records, such as unfavourable news articles under the right to be forgotten (the right to erasure).

Also if you, or a loved one, has received a restraining order, we will be able to assist in its removal or amendment.

In most cases we offer fixed fees, unfortunately we do not offer legal aid.

Please get in touch to arrange an initial consultation.