ABH Caution Removals

22 05, 2024

Removing a Police Caution for Assault or ABH

By |May 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

ABH and receiving a Police Caution Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) is a criminal offence under Section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. It is an intermediate level of assault, more serious than common assault but less so than Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH). ABH is committed when a person intentionally or

7 11, 2023

Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) | Can you get a caution for ABH?

By |November 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Assault occasioning actual bodily harm, commonly known as ABH, is a more serious form of assault, one step higher than common assault and battery, but less serious than GBH and wounding. For information about common assault and battery, please see our Fact Sheet on the topic: Common Assault and Battery: What is a common

8 09, 2018

ABH Police Caution Deleted for Regulated Worker

By |September 8th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Our client had been issued a caution for Actual Bodily Harm (ABH). ABH is on a list of offences that will always be disclosed on both an enhanced and a standard DBS certificate. The caution had been issued in the context of an acrimonious separation, and the incident had come about due a period

18 12, 2017

Caution Removed for Professional

By |December 18th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

We have again had a caution removed for a professional client. The client had a caution for Actual Bodily Harm (ABH). If the caution had remained on the client's record it would have had a permanent impact on his career. ABH Caution Removal Solicitor Under current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) rules

25 05, 2017

Another ABH Caution Deleted From the Police National Computer

By |May 25th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

We have again had a police caution deleted for our client. The caution had been issued a number of years ago, but it was still causing significant problems for the client with respect to his professional career. After obtaining the police's evidence, we identified a number of significant errors in the police's case.

12 05, 2017

ABH Police Caution Deleted for Client

By |May 12th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

We have again had an ABH police cautioned deleted for our client. The client was issued a police caution in relation to a domestic dispute with his sibling which resulted in his arrest. The client didn’t take legal advice at the police station, as he was afraid it would make matters worse and cause

22 03, 2017

Another Police Caution Removed for Client

By |March 22nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Our client had been issued with a police caution many years ago in relation to an allegation of ABH. The client had unsuccessfully applied to the police for the expungement of the caution. Once we were instructed we were able to identify some serious procedural defects in the case which rendered the caution unlawful. We

31 01, 2017

How long does a police caution stay on your record?

By |January 31st, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The answer to the question "How long does a police caution stay on your record?" depends on who is asking the question. The answer will be different depending on the level of disclosure that can be lawfully requested by the organisation who is asking the question. On a basic disclosure a caution (youth and

3 06, 2016

ABH Police Cautions Removed for two Clients

By |June 3rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Today we have been notified that two of our clients police cautions have been expunged (removed) from their records. Both clients (whose cases were unrelated) had been issued with a police caution for ABH. A police caution for ABH will stay on a police criminal record for life and will never become "protected" meaning that it

29 04, 2016

ABH Youth Caution Removed for Client

By |April 29th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

We have again successfully removed a youth reprimand (now called a youth caution) for a client. Police Caution and Youth Caution (reprimand) Removal Solicitors The client, a trainee teacher, had undertaking extensive academic study and teacher training only to be prevented from qualifying as a teacher due to a historic youth reprimand for ABH (Actual