We have had a police caution removed for a client after making successful representations to the police.

The client had taken private paying legal advice from a leading firm of solicitors before accepting the police caution. The solicitors advised the client to accept the caution.

After reviewing the file we determined that the caution had been unlawfully given as no offence had been committed.

After our representations to the police, the caution, arrest record and DNA and fingerprints were deleted. We have requested the original firm of solicitors to refund our client for their incorrect advice.

Thank you Matt for getting the caution removed, this is wonderful news


Police Caution removal solicitors

If you have received an improperly issued police caution, possibly you were misled about the consequences of a police caution or maybe you don’t believe you actually committed a crime, then please get in touch.

Removal of Non-Conviction record, DNA and fingerprints

We charge a fixed fee for police caution removal as well as for DBS appeals and appeals to expunge non-conviction records and DNA and fingerprints.