We have again been instructed to apply to the police caution to delete an arrest record.

The client, a professional, was arrested over 5 years ago in relation to a minor incident. The arrest record however has remained on the Police National Computer (PNC) and has showed up on an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check.

Arrest Record Removal Lawyer – How do I remove an Arrest Record?

We have successfully applied in previous cases to have arrest records deleted or to have minor out of court disposals  (such as a police caution) removed from the PNC.

Arrest Records and immigration

You may find that an arrest record is showing up on your UK police certificate or, if you are not a UK national, on your home country’s immigration police check, such as United States FBI Rap Sheet.

Fingerprint and DNA Removal Solicitors

We can also apply to have all biometric data removed from the police’s system.

Wrongful and Unlawful Arrests

If you feel you were wrongfully arrested and/or the allegation against you was unsubstantiated or unfounded then please get in touch.

We offer reasonable fixed fees and can usually determine if a case has merit from an initial assessment.

  • Will a police caution affect a visa

Will a police caution affect a visa?

October 26th, 2023|0 Comments

If you have ever been arrested, cautioned, warned, or issued with a penalty notice by the police, you may be wondering if this will affect your ability to travel or immigrate to another country.